SA Only as Far as Central America

Callitrichidae (Marmosets and Tamarins)21 extant species
Sub-family of New World Monkeys
Small New World arboreal monkeys that live in the tropics.

Weigh between 4-22 ounces
Have twins 80% of the time and most of the species only have one litter per year, two is normally the maximum. Gestation lasts between 129-183 days.
Interesting Fact: the Pygmy Marmoset is only 17-19cm long and weighs between 120-190 grams.

Earlist known form is about 13.5 mya, the Lagonimico.


  1. SA to NA:

    Erethizontidae - New World Procupines

    900g - 18kg
    Nocturnal, Live in Pairs
    Herbivore (mostly)
    Arboreal across varied habitats
    Single Young (rarely twins) - 210 days gestation
    Lifespan: ~15-20yrs

  2. SA only made it to CA
    Late Cenezoic to Late Pleistocene.
    "giant guinea pig built like a short legged rhino with hippo like habits"
    Primerily lived in Grasslands


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