
Tapirs (family Tapiridae)
Order: Perissodactyla
NA to SA (and CentralA)
Extinct in northern hemisphere, extant in southern.
150 - 300 kg. ~2m long, ~1m high at shoulder.
Reach sexual maturity between 3-5 years. Under good conditions, a healthy female tapir can reproduce every two years. Single young. Gestation ~13 months. Lifespan ~25-30 years. Solitary except for mothers with young.


  1. Porcupines

    Order Rodentia
    extant in both North and South America
    5-16 kg
    Lifespan: 5-7 yrs. mature@~1yr.
    Solitary and arboreal inhabiting temperate regions of North America and a variety of habitats in South America


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